Parents and Carers

What is an Educational Psychologist?

As Educational Psychologists we are interested in how children think, learn, feel and behave. We are committed to improving the well-being and educational achievements of children and young people. We place children, parents/carers and families at the centre of our work and consistently seek to use their views along side our knowledge of psychology, child development, learning and education to provide support, training and advice.

  • Home or School

    We can offer strategies, support and guidance for families within the home or within the school context.

  • Next Steps

    We can provide assessment to understand the needs of individual children and ideas to support them in the next steps of the journey.

  • Individual Support

    We may provide individual therapeutic support for young people struggling with their mental health and emotional well-being.

  • Flexible Approach

    We adopt a flexible approach to our working practices, providing a hybrid model, working within the family home, school, therapy centres and remotely.

How We Work

  • Initial Consultation

    Meet together (parents, teachers and professionals) to discuss background, strengths and areas of need. We may agree possible solutions at this stage.

  • Assessment

    This may include; observation and activities to identify strengths and areas of difficulty. We will seek the child's views. Possible further consultation may take place.

  • Feedback & Action Planning

    Feedback following consultation, individual work or observation. Develop a joint action plan detailing helpful strategies and approaches to meet targeted areas of need.

  • Intervention & Review

    This may include strategies to use at home or in school. A review or check in may be held 6-8 weeks following initial involvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator from your child's school will discuss the referral with you prior to any involvement from an Educational Psychologist.

    Your written consent will always be sought, without exception, before any involvement with your child.

  • All information pertaining to you and your child will be kept confidential and stored securely.

    Information will only be shared with relevant professionals upon your prior agreement (in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015).

  • Most meetings will take place on school premises, to allow for home and school to problem solve together. However, where this is not possible there will be opportunities to meet parents separately if necessary. Assessments will take place in a quiet room, in familiar surroundings where young people feel comfortable. In most cases assessments will take place in school.

  • Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

Get in touch

If you would like to enquire about our services please call or email us on the details below:

07971827191 / 07834209921

Alternatively you can fill in our contact form by following the link below.